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King of Dragon Pass


Touch Arcade:
“It’s like they took the best parts of Civilization games and combined them with the best part of Choose Your Own Adventure style game books. … What I like most about King of Dragon Pass is the seemingly infinite possibilities that the game has. … I’ve had an absolutely fantastic time playing King of Dragon Pass.”

“If you like simulation games, you needed King of Dragon Pass on your iPhone yesterday.“ (5/5, one of the Best iOS Games September 2011)

“An interactive story with a level of complexity and brilliance that’s rarely seen in video games … The word I kept coming back to over and over while playing it was “enthralling.” King of Dragon Pass feels like a book come to life…”
“The game is superbly written, which given the sheer volume of text is no mean feat, and continually surprising in the nuance of how things play out. Of the many scenarios that come up very few have a straightforward solution, and even less are consequence-free. It sometimes takes many in-game years to become obvious, but this is a world that never forgets.”
Grub Street
“King of Dragon Pass is one of the best video games ever made.”
DIY Gamer
“This is easily one of the best and most unique games on the platform, so if you’re interested in something a little more literary and in-depth than a single button platformer, it’s an essential purchase.”
“One part strategy, one part text-driven choose your own story adventure, King of Dragon Pass is exactly the game you want on your mobile device. … If you can read, you should play King of Dragon Pass.”
slide to Play:
It’s the deepest choose-your-own-adventure ever written. … It was a mind-bogglingly deep game in 1999, and it’s no less engaging in 2011. … (4/4, Must Have)”
“Deep and disturbingly engrossing.”
Kill Screen:
“Most games have you playing through somebody else’s idea of a fantasy novel. In King of Dragon Pass, you’re authoring it yourself.”
Betterblog (FailBetter Games):
“Its focus on people and the world they live in is what elevates King of Dragon Pass from an empire-building game to an engine that creates satisfying story. Reading back over your clan’s saga feels like reading an actual history, only with more dinosaurs and the occasional creature with a hand for a head, because Glorantha is funny like that. No other game has so effectively combined simulation and narrative.”
“This is really one of those rare immersive experiences, and it fits snugly in your pocket. … an enjoyable storytelling game that takes the genre to a new level.”
“You become a co-author of an epic novel which never reads the same twice but always maintains its cohesion. … At its core, King of Dragon Pass lets us play with leadership and power. It does so while showing us the consequences of our decisions in a very engaging way.”
Pocket Gamer:
“If you have the patience and time to devote to it, King of Dragon Pass is virtually guaranteed to pay you back the download price several times over in enjoyment. … A wholly unique adventure that has no equal on the iPhone. ”
Rock, Paper, Shotgun:
“…enormous, smart and fiendish. Choose your own adventure writ at the grandest scale, and a chance to tell your own history, not a mere legend.”
PC Invasion:
“It’s a unique game with a distinct, and curiously believable (despite the bizarre chaos creatures and Actual Gods™) setting, coursing with a narrative essence that’s communicated almost entirely through text rather than numerical buffs and stats. What a rare and precious thing.”
“Ein Abenteuer, das so tiefgründig und spannend ist, dass jede Minute des Spiels zum ganz besonderen Erlebnis auf eurem iPhone wird. … Wir geben hier gerne Note A+ (1.3) und unseren Must-Have-Award.”
“Les amateurs de vrais jeux de rôle, ainsi que de gestion et de stratégie trouveront là une source de bonheur presque intarissable.”
Or check out what players have been saying!

Reviews (Original)

"There is no one thing that makes KoDP outstanding, it is the combination of the plot, politics, magic, warfare, resources, trade, exploration, personalities and random events that allows for a great game. A game that you can play over and over again."
"…it's the random events that really bring King of Dragon Pass to life."
Strategy Gaming Online:
"King of Dragon Pass … promises the open minded player a novel and immersive experience not to be found in any other game I’ve ever seen. It’s not glitzy, but it’s a great game."
Gone Gold:
"The most original new strategy title I’ve played during 1999. It’s easy to grasp and has been designed for a high degree of replayability. If you’re ready for something a bit different and you enjoy a well-told story then I recommend you pick this one up..."
Computer Games Online:
"In spite of its RPG trappings, the balances needed between economics, religion, trade, politics, and war represent significant depth. Juggling all of these aspects is a challenge worthy of serious strategy gamers’ acceptance."
Happy Puppy:
"If the imitative, narrow palette of modern computer games leaves you cold, if you long for something truly original, or an imaginative and novel approach to computer-game design, King of Dragon Pass is a must-buy."

Gamers Press:

KoDP is a fresh departure from most strategy games. ... This game will stay on the hard drive for quite a while.

Games Domain:

"It’s in the details that KoDP really shines -- it brims with cool touches."
Electric Playground:
"It is challenging and satisfying. It is a great game."
Erica's Soapbox:
"The best part though is the story that ties everything together. ... So if you're looking for a unique and completely fun game then buy King of Dragon Pass."
"King of Dragon Pass is a new approach to the empire-building genre."
"The game of the month is King of Dragon Pass... I guarantee you that it is the most unusual game you will have encountered this year. Part fantasy, part anthropology, it's unique in that everything you do counts..."
"King of Dragon Pass is a game that relies on pure storytelling and gorgeous artwork to deliver a mesmerizing gameplay experience. ... King of Dragon Pass is truly a hidden gem."
The Wargamer:
"Designer David Dunham is a true warrior-poet as well as an accomplished gamer, and in this product his company, A Sharp, has given the computer gaming world one of its few true works of art."
Realms of Fantasy (Jun 2000):
"If you want to see a truly grand and sweeping game, then check out KoDP."
PC Gameworld.com:
"A great thinking man's game for anyone who ever wanted to lead a tribe of Vikings."
"With a bit of patience, it can be as rewarding as a good novel, with the added bonus that you will have determined its outcome."
"With time you grow to really enjoy the game, perhaps even to love it like I did."
"It's good fun, entertaining and can keep you in front of your monitor for days."
MacHome (Feb 2000):
"This game has more depth and mythos than any other I've ever encountered... The artwork is truly masterful and the story is intriguing enough to keep you enthralled for hours at a time. All in all, this is a definite sleeper hit." [4.5/5]
Pelit (Jan 2000):
"A game that has created something new for RPG's; a whole new genre, in fact. Superb." [94/100]
"When most games today seem to be C&C-clones or deathmatch fragfests, A Sharp has the courage to publish a game with fresh ideas and an unorthodox interface. Although at first it seems like Steve Jackson's Fighting Fantasy series on the PC, King of Dragon Pass is one of the PC's best roleplaying games ever. It involves more roleplaying than most other computer RPGs together."
Daily Radar
"Doing something decidedly different and doing it very well, KoDP is a must for the strategy/RPG fan who wants an immersive experience."
About Guide to Interactive Fiction
"Should you buy it? You bet, especially if you are a fan of simulation-style games. ... for those who appreciate games which require thought and reading, King of Dragon Pass will provide a satisfying, addictive experience."
Computer Gaming World (Mar 2000):
"The best part is the believable fictional world. ... You'll also be treated to fine writing throughout."
"It's huge, it's detailed, and it's very involving. King of Dragon Pass is one great game."
Houston Chronicle:
"Playing King of Dragon Pass is like getting engrossed in a beautifully told story. The game is well-written and the screens are all hand-painted and a pleasure to look at. And it's fun to play."
Low End Mac Gaming:
"KODP is not your average build and conquer type of game. ... [it is] like a good novel that keeps the pages turning."
"Rich storyline, appropriate graphics and sound, strong replayability, wonderful mythos."
"When all is said and done, King of Dragon Pass is a challenging fantasy game that is worthy of a serious strategy gamer's time."
Mac Gaming Beat:
"An extremely well done mix of strategy and RPG elements."
"If you are a big reader of fantasy novels and find the world of elves and dragons to be full of mystery and wonder, then King of Dragon Pass will likely be a blast for you."
Valkyrie (issue 19):
"An excellent, thoughtful game that genuinely rewards repeated play. ... A distinctive and rich gaming experience..."
"King of Dragon Pass delivers on many levels."
Wewp! Entertainment:
"King of Dragon Pass proves you don't need a fancy tactical combat simulator to make a deep, engrossing, and fun strategy game. ... it's a great example of how to take a concept that hasn't been done to death and make an enjoyable game out of it."
"Unlike most games KoDP is proving to be virtually immune to loss of appeal due to aging."
"The game delivers on its promise to provide a fantasy setting that's more than just backdrop."
Macuarium (Spanish)

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