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About Us
A Sharp logo A Sharp, LLC is a small software development house, located in Seattle. We are not hiring employees or contractors — please don’t send us your résumé or portfolio. Really. (And our games, each with at least 468 000 words of text, aren’t good candidates for localization.)
Contacts (all e-mail addresses are “@a-sharp.com”)
    David Dunham: david

    Customer service: customer-support
    Bug reports and feature requests: bugz
    (iOS players: Six Ages and King of Dragon Pass reports can be made from within the game.)

Including the name of the product you’re inquiring about will help avoid our spam filters and thus get you a faster response.

If you contact A Sharp and wish to hear back from us, be sure that your e-mail system will not block incoming messages from a-sharp.com. This is especially important to earthlink.net customers. We may not be able to respond to you if you use their spam-blocking software, which goes too far in weeding out legitimate messages.

You can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ASharpLLC, or Mastodon at @asharp@mastodon.gamedev.place.
We have several Twitter feeds:
    @ASharpLLC is our main feed.
    @KingDragonPass is for King of Dragon Pass.
    @SixAges is for Six Ages.
You’re welcome to message us, but we can provide much better support if you use the customer-support e-mail (above).
A Sharp Privacy Policy
King of Dragon Pass development team

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Copyright ©2024 A Sharp, LLC. Last updated 31 May 24.