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King of Dragon Pass

Reporting a Bug [iOS]

The best way to report something that seems wrong is within the game. Switch to the Controls screen as soon as practical, and tap with 3 fingers (this gesture is a little tricky, so try again if nothing happens). A “Send Debug Info” button will show up. Tap that to email us detailed logs. You should get a confirmation email, which you can reply to if you want to add additional details.

Sometimes a screen shot is the easiest way to make a report. Take one (press the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously), then send it by email to bugz «at» a-sharp.com. (If you’ve sent the logs, you can include “Case {case}” in the subject, and it will attach to that bug report.)

Since we may not be able to fix everything at the same time, please file each report separately.

We can’t promise to fix every bug, but we do plan on continuing to polish the game. Thanks for your reports!

Reporting a Bug [Android / Mac OS X / Windows / Windows Phone]

These versions were ported by HeroCraft, so report most bugs to them by email: support «at» herocraft.com. Please let them know what type of device you’re using.

If the issue relates more to the story (inconsistencies, typos, improbable results, bad advice) then send it to us at bugz «at» a-sharp.com. Including a saga file can be helpful to trace the series of events that led up to the problem. Screen shots are also very helpful.

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Copyright ©2024 A Sharp, LLC. Last updated 30 Jul 15.