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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the system requirements?
PowerPC or Intel Macintosh
32 megabytes of RAM
Mac OS X 10.0.4 or later (but not 10.7 or 10.8)
Printer should be 300 dots per inch or better to print bar codes

How much is it?
US $13. (But if you purchase Opal, you can get $2 off any time during the next 6 months. See our Special Offers for details.)

Where can I buy it?
You can download a 30-day trial, and purchase from within the application. Choose "Purchase..." from the File menu (or use the "Purchase" button when the application starts up). You'll need a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or JCB) and an Internet connection.

We use eSellerate for our electronic commerce. They are part of the TRUSTe Privacy Program.

I just upgraded Mac OS X, and need to re-register Addressix
Choose File > Reinstall, then enter your e-mail and order number. Be sure to use your original e-mail (even if it's changed since then), and the order number, not serial number.

I can't find my order number
Click here to have it e-mailed to you.

What is the latest version?
Version 1.4.10 is now available. You can download it, or read the release notes.

If you use a version of Mac OS X earlier than 10.2, you'll need to use version 1.2.3.

The envelope prints in the wrong place
Be sure that Page Setup is for a normal sheet of paper, not an envelope. Then set the envelope size and paper feed in the Preferences dialog. You can then make additional adjustments to the margins using the Preferences dialog. Please note that if your adjustments are large (over an inch or 2 cm), you should probably verify that the return address is printed on the leading edge of the envelope. You may need to change paper orientation in Page Setup to ensure this.

Although for most people, using a normal size page fixes positioning problems, an HP Laser Jet 1200 and LaserJet 4M required choosing a #10 envelope in Page Setup.
Some people report better results with HP printers if they choose an upside-down landscape orientation. This allows the left edge of the envelope to be fed first, the way Addressix expects. (Mac OS X 10.5 removed this option — use “Reverse Print Orientation” in the Preferences dialog instead.)

The paper feed icons seem backwards
The icons represent a printed page. Pages may come out of your printer upside-down, so you may need to make a mental flip when deciding on the correct setting.

Can I have more than one return address?
Return addresses are saved just like addresses are. Once you've entered one, you can choose it again by typing the first few letters, or choosing Next Match. Or use the small popup button.

How do I delete an address?
To remove any unwanted addresses which Addressix has remembered, click in the Address field, choose Edit > Edit, and use the dialog.

Note that you need to use the Address Book application to delete from the system-wide address book.

Bar Codes
Be sure that the five long lines at the top of the envelope are 5/8 inch. If they are shorter, you'll need to adjust the Side Margin.

Addressix offers three positions for the POSTNET bar codes. All three are considered acceptable according to Publication 25. This document says that placement above the address is preferred. Note that positioning at the bottom of the envelope is more sensitive to correct margins, and you may not be able to use it at all if you need to use a Side Margin.

Bar codes print as black rectangles
This appears to be a bug in the printer driver for certain Brother laser printers. Brother is aware of the issue. On 14 Feb 2003, they told us:

We have a solution except HL-1450/HL-1470N. Please let them contact Brother customer service.

Regarding HL-1450/HL-1470N, if customer print via network, please ask them to use PCL driver instead of PS driver.

If customer print via USB, currently it is no solution. The reason why is that PS only works via USB if printer has both PCL and PS emulation. We are contacting this issue with Apple.

Since then, we have heard from a user that the issue might be resolved.
Brother has resolved the reported problem of printing from Macintosh Cocoa applications such as Safari, Preview, Omniweb, Omniform, etc. This resolution may also correct the problem you have reported from Addressix.

Print out a Print Settings page by pressing the "Set" button 3 times. The Print Settings page shows the "Rom Version" in the upper right corner of page 1. If the "Rom Version" is below 1.21 we would like to exchange your printer for a printer with a newer firmware.

Please call our toll free customer service line at 800-276-7746, Monday through Friday, 6:00am to 4:00pm, Pacific Standard Time for further assistance.

The addresses won't sort by last name
Addressix allow sorting only for Address Book groups. (The Address Book splits an address into fields, which makes sorting much easier.)

Addresses from Address Book (or vCard) don't print with the right format for my country
In the Preferences dialog's Settings tab, set the Default Format to your country (either as its two-letter ISO 3166 code "fr" or name "France").

Can I use it under both OS X and OS 9?
Yes, but...

We don't support Addressix under OS 8.6 or 9.x.

Your registration will work, but you will need to reinstall it (see below).

I need to re-install Addressix

  1. Launch Addressix.
  2. Choose Reinstall from the File menu (version 1.1.3 or later).
    Click the "Purchase" button.
    Hold down the Option key and click the "Start" button (it will change to "Reinstall").
  3. Enter your e-mail address and order number. (Don't use your serial number!)

Addressix keeps disappearing
Drag Addressix from the opened disk image to your Applications folder (or any other folder).

Where is the data saved?
Addressix saves addresses, preferences, and other information in the file a-sharp.addressix.plist in your preferences folder (~/Library/Preferences under Mac OS X). This is a standard XML property list, so you can open it with a text editor.

I get error -123 when I try to Buy or Reinstall
Try turning off your firewall (Mac OS X's built-in firewall is in the Sharing system preference) or disabling NetBlockade from Allume Systems (formerly Aladdin Systems).

Envelope sizes
The Preferences dialog has a popup menu with various envelope sizes. Version 1.2 adds a Custom Envelope Size dialog. (If you don't see two custom sizes, your preferences file may be corrupt.)

I upgraded, and there's a printer-related glitch
Any time you update printer drivers, you should let Addressix know by choosing File > Page Setup, and then File > Print.

Print Options
One user reported that his printer's Printer Features panel didn't appear in the standard Print dialog. He was able to restore them simply by choosing Page Setup.

Does it run under Jaguar (OS X 10.2)? Panther (OS X 10.3)? Tiger (OS X 10.4)? Leopard (OS X 10.5)?
Yes. (However, you will need version 1.1.5 or later if you don't use an administrator account.)

And it runs fine on Intel Macintoshes.

What about Snow Leopard (10.6)?
Just make sure you install Rosetta.

What about Lion (10.7) and Mountain Lion (10.8)?
Unfortunately, we could not port Addressix to a more recent compiler.

Addressix crashes
There appear to be some “haxies” that relate to the clipboard which are incompatible with Addressix. Turn off the "Take Address from Clipboard" preference, and/or get rid of the haxie that is breaking Addressix.

I'm having trouble starting Addressix
Version 1.0 had some problems if you had created multiple user accounts, and were logged in as a user without administrator privileges. Version 1.0.1 should fix this.

It appears that Addressix doesn't run correctly if your startup disk is formatted as UFS (instead of Apple's recommendation of HFS+).

I'm having trouble under Mac OS 8.6 or Mac OS 9
That's not a surprise. In particular, we've noticed that after a while, all text becomes incredibly tiny. (This appears to be a bug in Apple's MLTE, and can be remedied by restarting.)

In any case, you're on your own. We're providing Addressix for earlier operating systems as a convenience, but can't support it.

It says I need admin privileges, but I'm using an admin account
Try repairing disk permissions (using the Disk Utility application).

I have more questions...
Please see our Contact page for the e-mail address. (Send any suggestions for improvements to this address as well.)

If you're having trouble running the program, it's helpful to include as much information as possible about your system configuration.

What is Addressix?

Frequently Asked Questions



Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
Apple removed compatiblity with older applications. Addressix will not load under Lion. Unfortunately, we can’t update Addressix for Lion.

Addressix and Opal are trademarks of A Sharp, LLC.

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Copyright ©2024 A Sharp, LLC. Last updated 03 Feb 13.