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King of Dragon Pass

Windows 95/98

Pentium processor, minimum 16 MB of RAM, 640x480 16-bit color, double-speed CD-ROM drive (faster recommended).

You can run the game from the CD; an installation takes about 42 MB of hard disk space.

We haven’t tested on 486 machines, but our runtime engine will run on a 486SX/25 -- one player reports the game running fine on a 486/66. Another player reports the game works on Cyrix MII chips.

Windows NT

We don't officially support Windows NT, but several of our testers have been running the game with no problems. One player reports "it works perfectly with Windows NT 4.0, Service Pack 4."
Please note that GOG.com has made adjustments to the game, and some of the limitations may not apply to their version.

Windows 2000/ME/XP/Vista/7

We don’t officially support Windows 2000, ME, XP, or Windows 7 but we’ve heard that the game works. (We’ve run the game in Windows 7 via Fusion on an iMac.) The installer may not work under Windows 7, but the game can be installed manually. See also the FAQ. The game does not run in Windows 7 64-bit (we’re not sure about 64-bit Vista).


System 7.5 or later, Power Macintosh or compatible, minimum 24 MB of RAM, 640x480 16-bit color, double-speed CD-ROM drive (faster recommended).

You can run the game from the CD; an installation takes about 42 MB of hard disk space.

The game runs in Classic mode under Mac OS X. We’ve successfully used it under 10.1.4. Because there is no Classic on Intel Macintoshes, the game requires a Mac with a PowerPC chip.


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