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For immediate release:

Seattle, 11 August 1999

A Sharp, LLC is re-releasing the classic version of the popular Macintosh outline processor Acta as a free download. Acta was first released in 1986 to rave reviews, and won the loyalty of users and numerous awards. But for the last four years it has not been published outside of Japan.

"I'm really happy to be making Acta available again. I've been too busy working on King of Dragon Pass, my computer game, to make any changes. But I realized there's a demand for classic software that still works well," said David Dunham, Acta's designer and programmer. "I hope people enjoy it as much today as they did in the 80s. And I'd like to thank Symmetry Software, Acta's original publisher, for helping make this possible."

Although outlining has migrated into other programs like the Macintosh Finder, an outline processor is optimized to work with hierarchically structured information. Outlines can be used not only as part of the writing process, but to capture ideas, organize notes, or track projects.

Joining the recent trend of reissuing early Macintosh software, A Sharp is posting the 1993 version of the program, its most recently published release. The only changes are to the product and publisher name.

Acta can be downloaded from A Sharp's web site, <http://a-sharp.com>.


Contact: David Dunham <david@a-sharp.com>

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