Scene ContestHere’s your chance to write your own adventure!A Sharp is pleased to announce the latest update to King of Dragon Pass, its storytelling strategy game for iOS. Version 2.2.1 is now in the App Store. This release improves the user interface and fixes some bugs. More importantly, it puts us in a position to start working on the next release, and that’s where you come in. We’re planning to add at least 8 new interactive scenes in version 2.3. But at least 9 is even better. So we’d like your idea for a new scene. We’ll commission the art and implement it. Pocket Tactics has agreed to help collect the scenes, and put the best ones to a community vote. You get to come up with the basic situation, including art guidelines. And 3-5 responses, ideally involving some sort of test (see Skills) and consequences for success and failure. And skill, religion, and personality advice. You don’t need to worry about the scripting language, just provide the basics of the interactivity. We need a self-contained scene. That is, no branching to scenes that need new art. Following up with news a year later is fine. You can’t directly portray a ring member because we can’t illustrate that (see Art Constraints). And of course, the scene needs to work within the context of the game and the setting. Once the winner is selected, we’ll commission the art, flesh out the scene as needed, and implement it. (We might also write additional scenes if it makes sense to reuse the art.) A Sharp needs to own the scene, but we’ll credit you in the game. Send your scene to (please send each idea separately, either as a .doc file or in the email), by Friday 30 August 2013. Pocket Tactics and A Sharp will pick three favorites and then hold a public vote. We reserve the right to have more than one winner. And we look forward to your help making King of Dragon Pass even better! See the nominees and winners. |
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